We were working with a financial planner who just started working with a young couple with two small children and one on the way. In speaking with the client, the planner discovered he was in a serious car accident close to 10-years ago. The car accident created an on-going medical issue which prevented him from getting underwritten with various insurance agents in the past. The planner recommended he go through our process in an attempt to acquire at a minimum $2,000,000 of 20-year level term insurance.
Given the client’s medical issues we went forward with a Blind Market Analysis. With the client’s permission we obtained his medical records, summarized them omitting the client’s personal information, and sent them out to over 40 carriers for their response. Of the over 40 carriers, three came back with below standard underwriting, the remaining carriers denied underwriting.
We reviewed the findings with the planner who then had a meeting with the client and his family to go over his options. The planner recommended the client move forward with underwriting on a 20-year, $2,000,000 term policy, despite the rated pre-underwriting class. We moved forward with underwriting and the client was able to not only obtain the life insurance he required, but turned out getting a standard rating providing him with a significantly lower premium than expected.